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Taking Control of Your Mental Health: Exploring Your Residential Treatment Options

woman smiling

Starting teen residential mental health care can be the turning point for an important new chapter of your life. Whether you’re struggling with substance misuse, eating disorders, anxiety, depression, or any combination of mental health challenges — a residential treatment program can provide the structure, accountability, and actionable strategies to help you create your own […]

Residential Care vs. Hospitalization: Making Informed Choices About Teen Mental Health

Woman sipping tea

Residential treatment and inpatient hospitalization are two of the highest levels of care for teen mental health treatment. Yet while these two different treatment options share many similarities, the differences between inpatient and residential treatment are important considerations when choosing what’s best for your adolescent’s mental health. If your teen needs intensive support to recover […]

7 Benefits of Child Psychiatry During Residential Treatment

Group of teens joining hands outdoors.

Child psychiatrists play a vital role in residential treatment programs, provide comprehensive evaluations, manage medication, and create detailed, individualized treatment plans for those with complex mental health needs. Unfortunately, there are far too few child psychiatrists to meet the current need. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, there are approximately 8,300 […]

Mental Health Support for Teens in Washington: Transforming Lives at Tamarack Center

Teen facing away, looking up at a brightly lit forest.

Today’s world can be a difficult place for adolescents. They can feel isolated and frustrated growing up in an increasingly complex environment. They may have difficulty thinking, feeling, and participating in the activities others take for granted. Regardless, their struggles not only cause stress and anxiety, it can also add stress to family life. It’s […]

Supporting Your Teen’s Mental Health Journey: A Guide for Parents

Father and son smiling

Do you know how to support your teen when they struggle with mental health issues? Or how to support them on their journey? The answer for many is, “No.” That’s not surprising. There isn’t a standard set of steps for supporting teen mental health. Every teen is different and every mental health journey is different. […]

Suicide Awareness Month: How Tamarack Center Provides Support for Struggling Teens

Hand with a pencil writing on paper.

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, a time to raise awareness about the risk that suicide poses to teens and increase involvement in suicide prevention efforts across the country. At Tamarack Center, our comprehensive adolescent psychiatric treatment program provides targeted support to teens who are experiencing recurring suicidal ideation and helps them get the support […]

Parenting Through Mental Health Struggles: Tips for Resilience

Mom and son smiling and hugging.

When your child is struggling with mental health challenges, you want to do everything you can to support them. As most parents or guardians might, you may put your own needs aside and focus solely on them. However, supporting a troubled teen can be extremely demanding. It can take a significant toll on your own […]