Call 509-326-8100 x 345 for more information.


Tamarack Center is accredited and received the Gold Seal of Approval by the Joint Commission, which sets national standards for hospital and psychiatric care. Our participation in meeting the rigorous standards for Joint Commission accreditation is completely voluntary, but we feel it is important to independently verify the quality of our facility and programs. We are also TRI CARE certified and a member of the American Association of Children’s Residential Treatment Centers.

Tamarack Center is licensed as a residential psychiatric treatment center, community mental health service, as a non-public school agency and as an evaluation and treatment facility. The latter licensing allows the center to accept youth who are involuntarily committed.

Extensive quality assurance/quality improvement data on each resident’s daily, weekly and monthly progress is charted and available for analysis by referral sources and families. In addition, we are willing to share extensive outcome data on different aspects of our programs, when confidentiality allows. We continue to track the progress of former residents whenever possible, for as long as possible, in order to incorporate their long-term outcomes into continuous evaluation and improvement of our programs.